Monday, April 2, 2012


Sunday morning we missed the sunrise, but we were still up at 8. What a beautiful view of the beach!

We walked out along the path to the dinosaur tracks. What an amazing place!

Most of the way there was a board walk to follow surrounded by pretty things.

There was a split in the walkway. Up or down, so we went down to the beach to check out the tracks.

After we had spent some time exploring we went to the dinosaur museum for more exciting times. We wandered around, bought souvenirs, took pictures (check facebook), ate ice cream and popcorn and did yoga on the observation deck. We eventually found a nice bench to rest on facing the ocean. Charles caught up with us, and we got the chance to know him a little more. I really like this guy. He is such a delight to be around. This trip went really well, but apparently in the past they've been a bit less than reliable, but always incredibly fun. He just walks up to people and takes what's in their hand and samples, be it food, soju, beer, or camera. He gives the most vague answers you'll ever get, changes plans constantly and is generally awesome.

Dory and I had gotten up early to make sure I got to see the dinosaur footprints and museum, because I'm really into that. Charles had told us the night before that we would have free time from 7-10 and we would leave for Jinhae at 10 so we had to be back by then. So at 9:15 I got a call from Eric that the bus was supposed to leave at 9:00 (obviously it wasn't because they hadn't left yet, but whatever). I told him that was impossible and we were at the dinosaur museum. Turns out that everyone else left the minbak at 9:30ish to see what we'd seen an hour and a half earlier. So we all met up at the museum and had a good time together. So awesome change of plans scare and vague answers Charles, but still an awesome trip.

What an amazing weekend. This is only the start. I've made a calender with all the festivals I want to go to and I will definitely be going on another Charles trip. I haven't felt this amazing in a while. This trip was so invigorating and really inspired me to get out there and start experiencing the amazing things that Korea has to offer.

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