Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tis the season

So here is a picture of our first Christmas tree. Its not fully decorated in this picture, but hey its better than nothing. It now has lights, and ornaments and presents underneath it. I wanted tinsel to throw on it, but I think that may end up too messy.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I mostly just love people and humanity sometimes. I enjoy my multiple jobs because I just get to talk to people about whatever, and they are always just themselves. There is no need to impress me, I'm just the waitress. Its nice to see people being real, and its a rare situation when it can happen like that. Today I met a real interesting lady at the photo counter in Walmart. The crazy sort that works at Walmart and actually enjoys their job. I'll admit. I'm impressed, but life does that sometimes. Sometimes I only see beauty and humor in everything. Those are always the best times. I try to keep it around.