Saturday, April 21, 2012

Daily life

 So I've been trying to figure out what to do with myself. I've crossed over the honey moon line with Korea. For those who don't know about living abroad its a roller coaster ride... I've included a link HERE to the 5 steps of the adjustment cycle. These don't always go in this order, but its a general description of the feelings. I'll be honest I think I'm somewhere between mental isolation and culture shock. 
 Above is a picture of Eric wearing the sleeping mask I recently bought at a local shop. Its a baby dragon I think. Its silly and fun. Korea's culture is so vastly different from anything I've truly faced before. I find it very daunting, but at the same time I think this is the sort of challenge I need to grow. I feel like my personal growth had stagnated at home recently. I know I needed something so different to better my understanding of myself and the world. 
Above is a picture of the dinner I made on Eric's birthday. Fried sweet potato and carrot chips, and tomato and cucumber soup. We mostly eat vegetables at home now. Below is a picture of some soup we had at a restaurant recently. The picture on the left is some of the stuff I found in the soup and the full pic is on the right. I felt like I was eating from a deliciously spicy ocean.

The main dish at the restaurant was the bacon. Here it is translated as rolled  pork. 
It was amazing. What a tasty feast!

 Our plan for tomorrow is to return to the market we went to last weekend and buy a turtle. Then we shall make turtle soup out of it. This is a long, and messy process, which I am not certain we are equipped for. If it happens I will collate a video montage and post it here via my youtube account. 

 xoxo Claire

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