Thursday, April 12, 2012

Changing Life

Do you ever forget who you are? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I get really depressed. There are things that always bring me back to myself, but I need time for myself. I like change, and I would call myself pretty resilient, but the only way I can handle all the change is with time dedicated to realigning my views to accept something new. I like controversy. I think controversy really helps people challenge their own ideas about things. (here the category of people includes me) If one is forced to think about their own opinions and the facts, then if their ideas are correct they are strengthened, if they are wrong it is a good opportunity to grow and change and adopt a new stronger position. Sometimes when a major life view is in need of changing some major self realignment goes with it. This is where the major challenge comes in. People hate to admit they are wrong. Its a human thing. I like controversy most because it allows people to think it over and if it isn't rubbed in their face then people can change without embarrassment.

So what I'm saying is if we really care about the future, we'll listen to the things that people have to say. We'll withhold judgment of things we don't understand. We'll take the time to try and understand new things. I think we should maintain our critical thinking skills and demand sources, but be open. Today Eric and I watched a bunch of TED videos. Sometimes I get upset about these things, but I was really inspired by a talk we had afterward. He insists the only way to change is at the personal level and to talk to others and encourage them to do the same. So I think I'll start dedicating more of my time to talking to people about things that are important to know as people. You and I are beings of intelligence. We have the ability to change the world around us. The more we know as individuals, the greater the intelligence of the group will be. I think its time I start being one of those people who changes their world.


If it wasn't enough that I've left my own country repeatedly (and hope not to return too often) I want to change fundamental things about the way I live. I want to eat differently. I want to use my free time differently. I want to change the way I interact with others. I'm assuming if you read my blog you already know at least a bit about me. Perhaps only a minimal amount though. I think I'm going to be a bit (just slightly) more open here. I want to be more honest. I know I do things differently than a lot of Americans. I don't really like questions or having to justify myself and my actions to people who refuse to even listen to ideas different than their own (let's be honest- its frustrating), so I don't normally tell people about my beliefs and ideas. This is another thing I want to change. I'd like to start being a catalyst for change. I've done it before and it takes a lot of strength to stand up to all that comes with it, but how can I ask others to do something I refuse to do myself? So here I'll start.

I'll still tell you stories about Korea, and my adventures (which I will continue to have) and post my pictures (which will continue to be awesome), but I also want to get real. Sorry if this upsets any of my anonymous readers, but when you never let your voice be heard you can't expect to have a say when a decision gets made.

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