Thursday, December 31, 2009

letters to time 2

Dear 2009,
You know there's a saying, and I don't really remember it, but its something about how a person's year will reflect what they're doing when the clock strikes midnight on the 31st of december. Well I know what I was doing when you came around, and I know how you turned out. I can't say it isn't true, but I'm not sold on it just yet. I don't mind celebrating your departure, and ringing in someone new to do your job, but I've never been fond of the New Year's celebration. The whole fuss about the new year's resolution is probably what upsets me most. I always thought if I didn't like the way something in my life was going, then I would simply change it when it occurred to me that it was wrong. I don't like setting benchmarks of time. Years and months blend, and I nearly never know what day it is. To make goals by such things always seemed preposterous, and to think that the new year is the only time that most people stop and reflect on their life is simply distressing for me to think about. People acting without regard to the consequences and their future? What sort of world do we live in? And soo, I say goodbye, with fond memories, and the promise to look back upon you kindly and remember the best, learn from the worst, and not lie too much about you. We'll always have the time we spent together, and for this, I thank you.
Yours for only a moment,

letters to time 1

Oh December,
You were filled with such joy! With champagne and family and baking all the time!! There was love lost, and love found and cuteness in all corners of my life! I'm sad you have to leave, but I know you'll come back next year and we'll catch up just like old friends should. Until then I bid you safe travels and a warm place to lay your head each evening.
Yours always Claire

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Heeej! So what is up? I know sometimes I seem like I drop off the face of the Earth...
So here's a recap:
things since mid-November.

There was school and work. Work got a bit silly because a bunch of crazy lady drama happens when you get that many crazy ladies in close working capacity, and I was always going tired from studying, and class so that just added to the difficulties I had dealing with them.

Thanksgiving with the fam :)

Then there was thanksgiving which was pretty wonderful. I made a lovely pie. I spent time with family. And I got to hang out with some cool people.

The Lucia procession with the Lucia crown lit! (I'm to the left of her)

The next two weeks were crammed with writing papers and festive parties. Like the Scandinavian Christmas party, and the Campus Girl Scouts end of year party.

(CGS picture coming soon)

In other exciting news today is my half birthday and the return of Hannah to the United States for a couple weeks. So good things good things :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009


HAHAHA. Did I ever show you this picture? This is a picture of what I ate at my brother's wedding. In the middle there is a delicious chocolate cupcake, and starting from the top going clockwise, vodka cranberry, coffee, rum and coke, wine, water. I ate some other other things too, but I didn't take a picture of that.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

more more

The Cool Kids- Bassment Party They play this song at Forever 21. My favorite part is when they say "So if you ugly keep your hands by yo side/ But if you not then put 'em in the sky" The version we play at F21 is censored of course, but you get the idea

Christina Aguilera- Still Dirty Because Christina is clearly my role model


in addition to all that Tonight I wrote a paper. YEAH

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

holiday spirits!!

not my video ^

not my story v

I grew up in a college town, and one Halloween our doorbell rang and we opened the door expecting to see trickortreater—but what was in front of our open door—was another door! Like, a full-on wooden door, that had a sign that said “Please knock.” So we did, and the door swung open to reveal a bunch of college dudes dressed as really old grandmothers, curlers in their hair, etc, who proceeded to coo over our “costumes” and tell us we were “such cute trick or treaters!” One even pinched my cheek. Then THEY gave US candy, closed their door, picked it up and walked to the next house.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


My favorite things:

Raspberries- for being delicious and healthy

Limes- the only fruit I keep stocked fresh in my apartment

Cajun seasoning- because it always kicks my butt and I love it

Love Claire