Monday, October 12, 2009

New Week

I cannot believe it has been a week since my last post! What in the world have I been doing?? I will tell you!!

Well... I will tell you a little bit. I will tell you that right now, I love pumpkin pancakes, and you. I love you. In addition to that right now I'm really jiving on the musical stylings of Metric, Damien Rice and Frank Sinatra. Also I've been watching a whole bunch of the TV series Bones. Season 5 is kind of super sweet, and making me feel romantic and silly! Right now the weather outside is delicious! Its just above freezing, and its slightly windy. It makes me feel sad and nostalgic, and it overwhelms my heart with joy. Its like a big gulp of cold sweet water. It reminds me of Chirstmas time, when I get that feeling that there is so much love in the world, and even though sometimes I'm all alone in the cold in the middle of the night in the empty parking lot of a 24 hour grocery store, there is so much possibility in the world, I can't help but feel amazing. I felt like that tonight. Thats what this weather always does to me.

There is of course a lot more going on in my life. I went on a date this weekend and it was my Uni's homecoming! I'm possibly planning a trip to Thailand, and my possible future in countries not named anything America. In addition to that I'm still employed and somehow still in school. So whoopie! I will give you more details on these things later though for now I would like to sleep.

xoxo Claire


  1. God I love pancakes. do you normally put syrup on them too in 'merika?
