Thursday, October 1, 2009

Life: general

Hey there!
I'm going to tell you really boring things, because I have no exciting things to say, but I still want you to know that I care.

So I got sick. It was totally lame! And since the swine flu is going around like crazy here my dad insisted that if I got sick I should go to the doctor (he heard a story about this guy who died from having swine flu and his only sympton was a headache and three days later he just up and died!). So I got sick, and I was pretty sure it wasn't flu-ish at all, but he was quite insistent, so I went, and the doctor (as usual!) had no idea what's wrong with me, gave me vague instructions to take some ibuprofen and wait until it goes away. (I have a long history with this guy having no idea what's wrong with me and telling me Ibuprofen and time will cure all that's ailing me) That's the most dramatic thing to happen in the past week. Not that exciting huh?

My brother and his WIFE are back from their honeymoon and it seems like they had a good time and are enjoying being married. They're so good together.

In other news my hair is getting to an awkward length, where if I let it go any longer I'm gonna have a mullet, and the difference in length brought about by the mohawk is even making the top look spastic (not to mention the curls are really getting out of control). So I'll be getting a haircut soon hopefully. I'm trying to grow it out, but apparently its a long process.

I'm trying super hard to save up money from my job so I can travel (December? May?) but its hard I always end up spending it on food. Food seems like a silly thing. I don't really get hungry, but I know I should eat, so I buy lots of it, and I cook, and I spend quite a bit of time eating. Its so tedious! If something is particularly delicious I enjoy it, but mostly I can't tell. You can probably imagine how frustrating this is. If I gained any weight in Sweden its all gone now :( and I'm back to being super thin. Oh how I miss Swedish potatoes.

I've also been rock climbing! and making new friends! I miss all my Uppsala friends though. What fun we had! Americans are so different. Such a challenge. Anyway, I have to go sleep for the benefit of my health. Miss you tons! Puss och kram.
Love Claire

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