Saturday, July 21, 2012


So you know the other day when I was all like "I think we should educate ourselves! and the Internet has so many free resources so let's do it!" Well I recently learned that universities feel the same way, and wanted in on it. This website is full of free. FREE online courses accessible anywhere in the world with internet to anyone who knows the language its taught in. Major universities from all over America and several other countries have contributed courses to this massive endeavor. I can't even express to you how happy I am about this not only for myself, but for the whole world. People shouldn't have to pay for knowledge!!! Eric and I are taking the class on listening to world music. Follow the link, sign up and join us! Its free, and invariably awesome.

We haven't started (it starts tomorrow!) but the fact that Eric works 80 hours a week and still wants to make time for this is so amazing to me. No matter how busy we are we must continue to keep our brains active to grow and become better people worthy of this existence we so often cling so tightly to. I wish you all the best, and for anyone who is not a student (only students are exempt from this request) I really hope you look around that website and find a class that interests you that you can take to stimulate your beautiful mind!

xoxo Claire

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