Monday, January 25, 2010

Namelho arrives

Hello, and oh my goodness,
so things have taken a turn towards the absurd! Two new things that have happened since we last spoke:
1. I am going to run a half marathon in May
2. I am now the lead singer, lead tamborine, and "front-man" of a band called Namelho

So, along with my associate Kelsey (Jelsew) I have started "getting-in-shape" for the half marathon. We need to be able to run a half hour without stopping by Feb. 22nd. Then the actual half marathon training starts. So we've been running twice and recruited several (sort of unmotivated but very supportive) guys to join us. Today J and I ran a seven minute warm up, stretched, ran 21 minutes solid, stretched and ran a seven minute cool down. The guys lifted some weights and we convinced one of them to join us for our cool down. Then we hit the hot tub (wooo!)

Jelsew is also in the band. She plays the mandolin. Our band is very young still, but will soon be fully formed and loved by many. (I'll keep you updated)

So a recap of my goals this semester:
1. Go to all classes/pass with flying colors
2. Become sufficient in outdoor survival techniques
3. Make authentic victorian era clothing (have picnic)
4. Run a half marathon
5. Have dinner parties
6. Have game nights
7. Have a flourishing and wildly successful band

Wish me luck?
xoxo Claire

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