Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Setting the bar at 99

So last Wednesday I posted about my "weekend" but I never followed up. I'd like to let you know that Eric got the job!! How great! I am super super proud of him and excited for the future.

I also got some sad news on Thursday. My grandma on my dad's side died last Wednesday. She just turned 99 in February. She had been in a lot of pain recently and I know she's in a better place now. Its been a constant reminder this past week of the importance of living life to the fullest and appreciating things. I always get tables of older people at work (where I'm a waitress) and I ask people how they are, and if they're celebrating anything, and I always get responses like "well I woke up this morning". It has always been a bittersweet sort of response. They realize their mortality and are in someway appreciative of their presence here. I've heard my maternal grandpa talk about dying for years and his jokes about "still being here" and "waking up this morning" were always laughed off more casually. This week it was harder to be so distant from it. Today was my grandma's funeral. About a week ago there was talk of moving her into a nursing home, and my grandpa to live with my uncle in Indiana. I asked my dad if my grandpa would be really sad to be seperated from his wife, and he said probably, but no one really knew what else to do. That was the hardest part of today, to look at his eyes and see how sad he was.

I also got this crazy weird sort of sick on Friday due to completely unrelated events, and that made my actual weekend challenging. I'm mostly over it, and looking forward to getting some stuff done this week and making some money. Eric and I have a date scheduled for Sunday lunch that I am super excited about. We're going to this fancy Italian place that I've been hearing about since I moved up here. I know a guy who serves there on Sunday lunch so it should be a really fun time :-)

xoxo Claire

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