Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sleep is Clearly over-rated

Hey you!
So Wednesday I woke up around 10:30 (I had such fitful sleep!) And did homework all day and went to class, followed immediately by a meeting with my advisor, and then I had to rush to work because the meeting went long. I got home about 11 pm and then spent until 9 am the next morning doing homework, then I went to class until 3 pm and I was so tired without a night's sleep. I however didn't go to sleep. I went rock climbing instead. I eventually got to sleep around 12:30 am, making it about 38 hours awake time. 7 hours of sleep and then I had to be back at work! What an exhausting life this is. And I have such a busy day tomorrow too! This week I have to do even more homework because next weekend my brother is getting married!!!!!! FINALLY!!! It's all so very exciting. Also I suspect there are pumpkin pancakes in my future. Which I love. So yay!
kisses kisses

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