Oh my goodness. So much to tell!!! I started classes and while I like what I'm studying it's a bit lame that I have to read so much. I hate reading. I even have a Swedish novel I'm supposed to read. And its funny and great for my vocab, but such a hassle. Also my new sister-in-law had her bachelorette party in Chicago last weekend. It was an extensive party, and lots of fun with fancy lunch and purse making and a night out on the town. It was also a little bit challenging because it was a bunch of different types of girls all thrown together with alcohol. So there was crying, and drama, but it all turned out okay in the end. Drunk people are drunk! Speaking of getting drunk... I wasn't having the best day last Thursday so I skipped all my classes and then met up with the Swedes and their international buddies for a night of drinking beer. This was a bad idea. Since I stopped drinking I have a very low tolerance now, and it got a bit excessive. I failed to set my alarm for work the next morning, and somehow magically woke up in time to get there, only to realize that I had to leave or I would vomit all over the customers. So bad times. I spent the rest of the day sleeping it off. Boo. Now I have to go back to work and pretend I'm a responsible person, for real. On another note I started rock climbing and I think I'll make this and running more prominent in my life. I'm not very good at rock climbing just yet, because it requires a lot of upper body strength that I just don't have. Also my hands aren't that strong, so gripping the tiny rocks and lifting myself up with them is not so easy. Practice will improve these things. I'm going to a belay clinic on Monday that will encourage me to go climb more often. Wooooo!
kisses kisses!