Monday, August 3, 2009

Circus time!

Dear Friend,

I'm sitting at my mother's apartment eating peaches and Ice cream thinking about how much you would have LOVED the circus today. It was my first time at the circus, and it was everything I imagined it could be. There were trapeze people, elephants, tiny circus seats, and it was absolutely brilliant!! I decided not to ride the elephant realizing that I can find a better elephant riding experience in the future. So I have a new life goal: to ride an elephant in an amazing way. I'm excited for it, and I think I'll head over to Thailand for the real thing.

This past week I've made two pumpkin pies, and I remember you saying you've never had one. They are sooo magically delicious (even out of season). I still think you should try one, but I have no idea whether or not you would actually like it. One of my uncles is in town this week, and there was a family get together yesterday. It made me super happy because I really love family get togethers, and hanging out with my grandparents. It reminded me of how much I love American food and why I love it so much. Of the four things I ate for dinner there, three of them had bacon in them, and the other was a pork sandwich :) The one down side is something called "Cool Whip" which is basically a crappy synthetic replacement for whipped cream. I can't stand it, and it's the only thing my family uses to top deserts or ice cakes with. So I just ate more bacon-y food.

Anyway, it's super late here and I am tired! Talk to you soon.
kisses kisses