Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What's going on in my head

These are the tabs open on my computer, and I think it gives a good idea of what I'm into right now. I know I haven't been telling you much lately, but I work alot, and then I sleep when I can. I come home and look at things like this, and I'm inspired to continue saving exuberant amounts so I can have the financial ability to live the life I want when I come back. It's not easy. It's not hard. I got a notebook where I draw my house designs and I got some oil pastels for when I draw my dress designs.

Then there are the three story 5+ bedroom house designs I'm looking at ...

Then there's the rocket stove mass heater system I want in my future cob house when I make one.... This technology is more than amazing. It's insanely awesome, and I can't reiterate enough how much I want it.

And of course compost toilets =D

Of course I miss you, but today is a national holiday, and Eric didn't get the day off (somehow??) and so I have today finally to work on everything I haven't had time for (like my blog!) and my music class, and my Korean Rosetta Stone, and yoga, and making tomato soup. Well I just wanted to let you know life is good. I'm at my favorite cafe (there's no desk in our tiny one room studio, not even a real table) and things are about to get done!!

xoxo Claire

p.s. possibly later today I'll put up a post linking to all the technology/ stuff I want in my future natural possibly-off-grid super-green inexpensive cob house. Or all the tasty vegetarian recipes I've been making??

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