In other really shocking news we have a mouse in our apartment. We named him Mortimer and he is dark brown. We chased him all around the apartment the other day trying to catch him, but failed. Then we went to eat dinner at Wildfire with Eric's giftcard from winning an oyster slurping contest. Oh? I didn't tell you about that?

Well Shaw's crab house has a big oyster festival every year, and for one week from 3-6pm they have 50 cent oysters for people to buy and eat. Monday thru Thursday of this oyster festival week they also have a slurping contest where a bunch of people try to slurp 12 oysters with no hands the fastest to win giftcards and wine and some other stuff. So we went in on Tuesday, and Eric tried. He choked on some oyster juice. Very sad, and he did not place. So we went back wednesday, he got third! He was happy to win some things, but he still wanted that coveted first place! So we went back Thursday. He finally got first place and part of that was a $100 Lettuce entertain you gift card.