Dear You!
Remember when we used to run through the words so early in the morning and I thought there were dinosaurs hiding out in the bushes (because Mary said there were) waiting for us? These days are a bit like those in a way. I stay up so late that the I always see the twilight before the sun comes up. Sometimes I go to the park nearby, and walk around all bundled up in the cold. Its pretty safe with all the drunks at home in bed by then and all the homeless still asleep. Sometimes I think I should run more, but I do other things now. I'm really enjoying a certain drive towards creative writing these past few days. I try to apply it to all the boring things I have to write, like new resumes for all my different applications, and book reviews about Norwegian immigration. Maybe its strange the way I love the night. Everyone else is asleep and it feels like I finally have some privacy in such a crowded busy world. I love grocery shopping, and doing laundry when no one is there, when the world is fast in slumber. I love baking and cleaning and when the sun comes back around it looks suddenly new and I'm always filled with such leaping joy at the transformation brought about by the light. These last few days have also been really sunny, making my daytime sleep super joyful, because the sun always makes me that way. I find it easy to sleep in the sunshine. Ian is coming to visit this upcoming Saturday and I wonder a bit about how I'll sleep when he is here, perhaps I won't do so well, but life moves on, and everything passes. I've so much to do before he arrives, with homework and cleaning, I'm not sure I'll sleep at all these next few days even. Anyway I miss you tons, and I don't think we speak nearly enough.
Love Claire